Benefits of long rides are well known, but spending 10 hours on a bike, especially indoors, can be a challenge. Let's see how to make it easier... and fun!
- First of all - are you ready for it? If you haven't recently ridden for 7-9 hours, it's best to start with a shorter ride and gradually increase the duration.
- Preparation starts days before the ride. Every ride will be much easier if you're well-nourished and recovered - this also means getting enough sleep.
- Make sure that you have good ventilation and fans. There are fans that come with a remote control - this is a great feature, as you can adjust the fan without interrupting your ride.
- It's also important to have a good pair of bib shorts and a bike that fits you well. Getting a bikefit is a great investment.
- Prepare your entertainment - for example you can find some good movies or YouTube videos. Playing music in the background (low volume) can also be a good idea. You can use Zwift or other similar apps. I also find these long, low-intensity rides a great opportunity to do some work - in my case it's programming.
- Plan your nutrition and hydration - long rides are great at pointing out mistakes in this area.
- Prepare your food and drinks in advance and keep them within reach. A great idea is to have a small fridge next to your bike - I have tourist refreidgerator that I find very useful.
The ride
- Start easy and stay on the safe side with power. What's the worst thing that can happen if you go too easy? You'll know that you can go harder next time. And you can always increase the power later in the ride.
- Some discomfort is normal, but if you feel pain, don't try to ride through it.
- Feel free to take breaks - just think how often would you stop during a 10-hour outdoor ride.
- Don't forget to ride out of the saddle from time to time - it's a great way to change the position and give some parts of your body a break.
- It's normal to have a crisis from time to time. The key to dealing with it is to know that it's normal and it's temporary.
- Use mental tricks. These are individual - try them and see what works for you:
- Thinking about the time - either don't think about it or split it into smaller chunks.
- Reducing pressure - "I don't have to do it, I can just do 3 hours and see how I feel"... and then "I can do 1 more hour" and so on.
- Do some drills e.g. high cadence, low cadence. Focusing on them can make the time pass faster.
- Don't assume that the ride will be hard - this could put you in a negative mindset.
- Don't assume that the ride will be easy - any discomfort can be a surprise and can make the ride mentally harder.
Big rides require more preparation, but they can be fun, even indoors. They are also great for your fitness and mental toughness. And it's really satisfying to know that you've managed to do it.